Optimizing Targeted Clinical Trial Recruitment and Increasing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Leveraging Data Analytics and Collaboration
A Webinar Series on Data Science hosted by Ropes & Gray and Mass Insight Global Partnerships with support from the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University
Tuesday, June, 28, 2022 | 12:30-2 p.m. ET
Register by June 24th
Program Description:
A diverse array of stakeholders has focused in recent years on making clinical trials more accessible to a broader segment of the population. This trend has accelerated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the move to decentralized and remote clinical trials, and the involvement of additional types of health care providers in clinical trial activities. Our panel of experts drawn from academia, industry and government will explore recent trends in this space and discuss possible future initiatives. Topics addressed will include:
Emerging trends in clinical trial recruitment
Advances in data analytics and collaboration for clinical trial matching
Use of artificial intelligence / machine learning in clinical trial matching
Enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion in clinical trials
This webinar is part of our 2022 event series, which will include subsequent topics on economic sanctions and ESG.