Data and Cybersecurity
Growing out of the earlier technology roadmap initiatives and sector studies, Mass Insight collaborative initiatives in the last decade have focused on data and cybersecurity , including development of the Advanced Cyber Security Center, which was launched in 2011.
Our Current Focus:
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In collaboration with Ropes & Gray and Northeastern University, Mass Insight has for three years organized a series of webinars bringing together university faculty, industry executives and government officials, moderated by Ropes & Gray partners, to frame major public-private data innovation challenges and promote opportunities for collaboration and data-sharing.
Click to Learn More About the ACSC
Bill Guenther is executive chairman and founding organizer with a group of senior cybersecurity executives of the ACSC.
The independent, non-profit ACSC is the most important regional public-private cybersecurity collaboration in New England, bringing together executives and staff from 25 leading companies, universities and defense nonprofits, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. The region's only non-profit, member-driven, cross-sector organization operating under an NDA and committed to strengthening member cybersecurity defenses, building effective collaboration with the public sector, and preparing the region's response to large scale cyber threats.
Bringing together the private sector, universities, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Commonwealth, the ACSC is uniquely positioned to ensure our members and the region are national leaders in "Collaborative Defense."
In 2008, MITRE Corporation senior vice president Robert Nesbit recommended a regional cybersecurity partnership to the Advisory Committee for the Mass Insight-McKinsey 2008 Massachusetts IT Sector study which was considering opportunities to regenerate the IT sector in the Commonwealth. Over the next three years, Mass Insight organized senior security executives through a series of workshops and pilot threat-sharing projects, developed a strategy and business plan and launched the ACSC as an independent 501©3 nonprofit in September 2011 at a conference hosted by MITRE, then Governor Deval Patrick, industry and university leaders.